Submitting A Press Release Can Benefit Your Business

A Press Release is a captive story that can be about a person, a business or organizational group that is submitted to the media. The distribution of a release can be targeted to media outlets in newspapers, TV, radio stations, magazines and global newswire networks. Like with any other form of marketing, a well-submitted press release will give added publicity and creditability to an individual or a business.

Journalists look for newsworthy stories that they can use in their publications. Newsworthy simply means a story on current issues or events that have an appealing interest in today's news.

Some examples of this can be:

* Stories that cover the launching of a new business.

* Solution and problem solving reports that deals with the current market trend.

* New products or services that impact today's business.

* Research and findings on the latest business trends.

* Partnerships with other businesses.

* Sponsorships that you are affiliated with and contributed to.

* Achievements/awards that you have received recognition for.

Press releases are not to be confused as an advertisement to sell your products or services. An advertisement is to get your customers attention, whereas with a press release you want to capture the attention of the journalist.

The idea is to write a press release that generates a current interest to the media. If a journalist finds your story newsworthy, they are sure to feature your story.

The best way to start out is by researching some of the media websites first. One of the media websites that is worth checking out is Their site is easy to navigate through and provide some very useful information on submitting a release. The idea is to visit a few of the media sites to understand their guidelines before you submit. It would also be beneficial to view several of the press releases on their site to get a better perception on writing your own. You will find that most press releases are between 400 and 500 words.

Once you have the concept, organize and put together all the information you will be using on a piece of paper. Make sure you are using current information with topics that have new and compelling interest (journalist are not interested in old news).

Make sure to illustrate your release with only solid facts. Emphasize on the benefits and key points in your story line.

If applicable, give examples, quotes, and testimonials. Do not use any bold statements, hype or sales pitches.

Proof read your release several times. Correct any grammar mistakes or misspellings.

How To Submit A Press Release:

Obviously your first step would be contacting the media. This can be through local media groups within your area, or through the Internet for worldwide distribution.

Submitting a press release is done by mail, fax or email. You can simply check with the editors to see what their requirements are for submitting your release.

Use journalist that are targeted to your business market. You can accomplish this by researching some of the past stories published by the editor.

Note; if you find editors that accept a release through email, it's important to put your release into the body of your email and not as an attachment.

When submitting a press release, the way you format your release can play a crucial role on whether a journalist picks up your story.

An example of a format that is commonly used, would be as follows:

1.) Type in "For Immediate Release" or you can specify the date you want it released for a different time period.

2.) Create a headline that would attract an interest.

3.) Add your contact information here. Your name, company, phone number and your URL.

4.) City, State and Date followed with your opening paragraph answering all the questions to who, what, where, why and when.

5.) Your next paragraph should cover the details of your story, which should highlight your first paragraph. If applicable, include quotes or endorsements from other business associates that have used your products or services. This will build creditability to your story (be sure to get approval prior to adding this).

6.) Followed by a short summary highlighting your key points to your story.

7.) A short company profile about your business.

8.) At the bottom, put in three (3) ### signs or "End" to indicate the end of your press release.

Final Note:

Be sure to add your contact information including your telephone number with your release. If an editor finds your story newsworthy, he may contact you for an interview or possibly just to attain more information on a follow-up story.

To look for newswire networks where you can submit a press release, go to for our complete list.

John Kovacs is the CEO and founder of "A Home Business Opportunity". His website mainly focuses on supplying free marketing tips, resources and support for home startup businesses and Internet marketing. To get a step-by-step guide in building an online business, visit

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