Media kits include a combination of information whether created for electronic delivery or print. The number of components depends on the kit's focus and intention. For instance, an author's kit would include a different combination of information than a service business, or a multifaceted company or speaker.
Here is a list of component elements to pull from and tips to bring a media kit together. No single kit will need all components. Choose the components that match your or the receiver's needs.
1. Table of Contents (TOC). Kit receivers always appreciate this feature, it respects their time. I recommend this rule: five or less pages, include the TOC in a personalized letter, using design elements such as bold, larger font or centering to set itself off from the rest of the letter. Six and more, use a single sheet. And place the page before all other pages, including the letter. For electronic delivery, use color, to help gain attention.
2. Company Information. An "About Us" page includes contact information. It is also an accumulation of other aspects about that company, however, in summary format. When founded but not how founded, vision and mission, simple list of services or product or just an overall view.
3. About Our Departments. If you have several different departments in your company, you can include a page with a summary of each departments responsibility.
4. About You. Similar to number 2 with the focus on a single individual. You will want to focus the language and information to exactly what the media needs to know. For example, solopreneurs the particulars would be about you, credentials, and information with a single focus. Similar to a resume but not quite.
5. Founder Page. Do you have a company founder with an interesting story of how they started the company? It doesn't matter if they are deceased or retired. Honor their tenacity and creativity with their picture.
6. Upper Management. It is important to stress any special skills or background in the company that is an asset. Use one page per management level or several on a single page. Several pages are okay for this section if it supports the media request.
7. Services. One per page or several to a page. If you don't have enough material for a whole page, create enough. If more than one service, add a list of the other services at the end of the page to indicate what else is available.
8. Products. Use service tips above. You will want to include whatever pictures need to depict the product.
9. Employee. This component is seldom included, yet it is a significant way to demonstrate how the company's differences. This information is about the staff as a whole. Presentation depends on what the intention of the media kit. Statistics, number of employees, tenure, company events, or community projects, work well here. If the statistics don't shine, don't include.
10. Company History. Adding a history can make or break media attraction. If a young company you might think it's could be a negative element, not true. Depends on what side you are presenting in the kit. For a season company, it is a must. What prevails or whether to include or not, is how interesting is the story. If it is interesting or creates curiosity, include it.
11. Awards. Include any awards or special interests of employees. Do you have published authors in your company, an Olympic participant, or something else? Consider including. Sometimes a backdoor interest can bring media coverage in. If there is only one award you can add it on another page. To create a whole page from short information, list past winners or describe the selection process. Ceremonial pictures add interest.
12. Distinction Page. This page needs to show how the company is different. Comparison charts, like those found in most software product sales information pages, are easy for readers to scan and comprehend. Graphs also work well.
13. Client List. List clients whether they are well-known or not. If your client list is extremely confidential, mention this in lieu of the list. You can expand the information by providing some brief background information about the client.
14. Company Affiliates. If you have a formal affiliate program, add this information. If you use top quality vendors, add their information as well. Connection add flavor to being attractive.
15. Press Releases. Use releases with dates less than 90- days.
16. Publication List. If an author, where published. If short, expand by adding details about the publication. A few summarized paragraphs will do. If you are or where a columnist or write your own electronic or printed newsletter add this information as well. Add copies only if relevant and current.
17. Speaking List. Have you spoken at events or to groups? List, if old, don't include when. Instead group by categories. Include panel participations.
18. Radio/television appearances. Guest or host, doesn't matter. Tell them where they can listen to any audio or video clips. I don't recommend including. They are too expensive to send and for receivers to store. You want to set the availability information off in some sort of design element to make sure it isn't missed. To expand an appearance I like to suggest adding elements about how you got on the show, what you did and didn't like, or other details about the experience. Human interest stories always spark interest to the media. Give enough to peak their curiosity.
19. Personal Story. What is your personal story about starting the business, creating a product or service? Is it a rags to riches story? Usually people don't think they have a good enough story to include, however, that normally turns out to be fiction. Look for the buried treasure, dust and polish to see the shine. Someone that can write from a charge neutral standpoint is best for these.
20. Testimonials. You can spread testimonials throughout the components using pull quote design effects. And also have their own page. To expand, enlarge font size or reduce margins.
21. Endorsements are personal acknowledgements. For media kits, credibility stands higher. They include more detail than testimonials. Add copies of special endorsement letters or just mention them in other components. Only add with the endorsers permission. Products and book authors frequently include these. Be creative with this in your kit.
22. Reviews. Product or book reviews are not endorsements. Reviews give an overview charge neutral opinion. Reviews have their own language. To learn that language, read movie or book reviews.
23. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). This component is a must in every media kit. Normally, media reads these pages first or second. Formulate questions by asking media personnel. Don't guess what they want.
24. Photos. For trainers, speakers, or other professional services, color photos are too expensive to include and aren't necessary. A small 6x9 black and white is appropriate.
25. Community. Add volunteer projects you have worked on or positions you have held. To expand, add additional details about the organization.
Note: Two-side pages count as one page.
When you are ready to send out a media kit, pull together the pieces that fit, create a personalized letter, slip in the contact person's business card, usually the same person signing the letter, and its ready to mail or e-mail.
A beautifully designed media kit is nice but not necessary. Visual impact is important, yet, you can do this with a matching color theme and quality paper. Content needs to be the first and foremost focus. Fancy-looking media kits but if it doesn't say anything to the receiver, it's trashed. Value is in the information and news worthiness.
Catherine Franz, a Business Coach, specialized in writing, marketing and product development. Newsletters and additional articles: http://www.abundancecenter.comblog:
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