When Things Go Wrong As They Sometimes Will... Dont Get Your Knickers In A Twist!

In frustration it's easy to jump to false conclusions that life is out to get you. Wrong assumptions will invariably lead you to wrong conclusions. And, it is ridiculous to think that our limited experiences are reflective of life in general. When the struggles begin, it's time for a reality check.

Time To Clear The Decks!

There is probably nothing more frustrating than to assume we know how to fix a problem and then end up looking as dumb as a bag of hammers. Here's what I think. In situations like these the universe is looking for a good laugh, and it has chosen so wisely to use me as its guinne pig.

Ouch! That hurt. Well, only if you get your panties in a wad. You say, well, why would the universe jerk my chain like that? It's really not trying to make us fail; it's just testing us. I think that life is rooting for us! I think life is saying; you can do it! I think life is a wonderful ally.

In writing this article I've had some time to think; what would life really be like if we had no struggles? If everything just dropped in our lap and it looked like Demi Moore, for us guys, and Brad Pitt for you ladies. :>)

Dollars To Doughnuts!

After a while of that, I'll bet we would become so bored that life would no longer have any real meaning. We might do crazy things like eating two dozen doughnuts every day because all we would have to do is wish to be slim again and it would fall on us.

We might attempt to do everything that we could imagine, because with no struggle, it would all be a snap. And, after a while of that, the curse of cheap living would drive us insane.

Now, here is an interesting point! If everything in life was just like that, it would be just the opposite of the way it is now, and, you know what that would bring us? The same thing that we struggle with right now?self pity.

Down In The Dumps!

When we face terrible circumstances the pain or trouble tempts us to feel sorry for ourselves. When you start to feel sorry for yourself you are in danger of becoming self righteous. You begin to say, look what happened to me; how unfair; I must have a face that only a mother could love!

If everything in life just dropped in our lap, after awhile we would become so bored with no challenge or struggle, we would begin to feel woe-is-me! A life of boredom would definitely have to be worse than a life of struggle. Either way, the same type feelings would become everyday occurrences.

Time For An About Face!

If we will recognize that the struggles are coming for our development and refinement, then when life dumps a can of worms on our freshly made masterpiece we can ask; what can I learn from this? How can I grow? Not, who did this to me and how can I get out of it and punch their lights out?

One big issue we have with calamity is not the trouble itself, but, why am I suffering? Many people will, at the point of deep despair, ask the question; why me God? That question will probably never be satisfactorily answered in this life but, one thing I believe is; it's just sometimes better to know God than to know answers.

If I knew the answer, I would argue. If I knew all the reasons there is not one I couldn't find an argument for. Think about it; would you allow any reason to go unanswered when your livelihood or pride and joy project was being threatened? When your baby's life was being threatened?

The $64,000 Question!

Why is this happening? That has always been the hardest part for us to deal with. And, then as we ask the question and search for an answer, all it does is get our knickers in a twist because we can't find the answer. Now obviously, if we can pin-point an answer and fix the problem, then fine.

But, those kinds of problems are not really problems, they're just annoyances. But, we are usually most grateful when a problem is solved quickly and effortlessly. It's always nice to get a fresh positive attitude just handed to us without having to work for it.

Your past struggles are an important part of your today's actions and your tomorrow's plans. No one ever wins a hundred percent of the time. No one ever loses a hundred percent of the time. But, the tendency is to reflect on the failures and forget the successes.

Feeling All Cooped Up!

By reflecting on the failures of the past, we tend to assume failure for the present and future; which just keeps our knickers in a twist, and, while on that keyboard of life we got one finger on the escape key just in case we need it.

The failures of the past, and their outcome, have about as much use for our present and future as a yard full of pump water. About all they can accomplish is to keep us focused on the bad of the past, to make us relive the emotions and keep them in the forefront of our minds.

Do you know what that's likened to? That's like messing around in the affairs of dragons, because we are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup. Don't meddle with dragons, just don't do it!

Howbeit, the past will affect our actions and decisions today and then will affect our future. Then we have another opportunity to get our panties in a wad. :>) We do need to learn lessons of the past and avoid repeating those errors. The successes of our past will be measured against how we handle them now to prepare for the future.

Richard Vegas ?

About The Author

Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com. You may also hear some of Richard's free music at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com.


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