Thinking Like A Winner

Since the beginning of human history we have been living under certain universal laws that have operated our daily lives whether we are aware of them or not. One of the most important universal laws, is the Law of Correspondence. This law simply says, that your outer world is a mirror of your inner world. In other words, your outer world corresponds to your inner world. What's going on around you is a reflection of what's going on inside you. If you want to change what's going on around you, start by going to work on yourself, and specifically the way you think.

One of the greatest responsibilities you have to yourself is to keep yourself thinking like a winner all day long, It is especially important to think like a winner when you face the inevitable setbacks and disappointments of daily life. It will be your ability to keep your thoughts on what you want and off what you don't want that will be the true measure of your character.

When things go wrong, our natural tendency is to become upset, angry, and to lash out at the people and situations around us. We tend to blame others and make excuses. We allow external circumstances to dictate the internal attitudes of our mind. But the successful and high achieving people always have a winner's mentality. They continue to think about winning and success even under the most difficult circumstances.

The quality of your thinking is a major factor in determining the quality of your life. You have the capacity within you to have and do almost anything in life, simply by controlling your thoughts and keeping them on what you want. There are virtually no limitations to what you can accomplish except the limitations that you place on yourself by your thinking.

Successful people are those who think about success and achievement all day long. And because of this, they automatically use the Law of Attraction, which says each human being is a living magnet, that we radiate thought energy and that we invariably attract into our lives the people and circumstances that harmonize with our dominate thoughts. But, when people think about negative and unhappy things, they attract negative and unhappy people and circumstances into their lives. The choice is always up to you.

If you want to be a happy and successful person, you have to work on yourself and your thinking until you reach the point where you absolutely believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that you will be a total success in anything you want to accomplish. When you reach the point where you have unshakable confidence in yourself and your abilities, nothing will be able to stop you from being a success. But, to develop this state of self-confidence, you have to first understand how your mind functions and then practice the techniques of mental fitness until you become a totally optimistic and positive person.

It is important to understand that your thoughts, whatever they are, trigger mental pictures and emotions that lead to you saying and doing certain things that are consistent with those thoughts.

For example, when you think about a person you care about, your thought will trigger a mental picture of that person plus the emotion of warmth, affection, and love you have for that person. You'll speak positively about that person to others, and to yourself. You will have an urge or a desire to do something nice for that person, to call them, buy them a gift, or send them a card. It is your initial thought that will trigger the entire flow of events.

When you think about what success means to you or think about being a great success in your career, you'll think about the things you want to achieve, and you'll feel the pleasure of achieving them. You'll talk like a success and begin to take actions that will lead you to the success that you desire. And the starting point is always to think like a winner.

Your feelings will often trigger thoughts and mental pictures that will then lead to your saying and doing certain things. For example, when you feel positive and optimistic, you will smile and be cheerful. You will be more animated and energetic. You will tend to be more enthusiastic and effective in the things you do. Your positive feelings will trigger positive responses at all levels, and your world will be a more positive place. You will even attract into your life positive people and positive circumstances that are consistent with your feelings.

The images and pictures you have either within you or you see in your surroundings will trigger thoughts and feelings that are consistent with them. In turn, those thoughts and feelings will trigger behaviors that lead to the realization of the pictures.

For example, when you become absolutely convinced that you are a total winner and you are meant to be a complete success in anything that you really want to do, every picture or image that you see that somehow represents winning to you, will trigger thoughts of what you could do to achieve the same things. The picture will also trigger the feeling of excitement that will motivate you to take action.

Your actions will always trigger your thoughts, emotions, and images that are consistent with them. You are more likely to act yourself into feeling than you are to feel yourself into acting. For example, many days, you probably wake up feeling not as positive and optimistic as you would like to be. However, if you act as if you already have a strong feeling of optimism, the action itself will trigger the feelings and the consequent thoughts and mental pictures consistent with them.

Because you can control your actions easier than you can control your feelings, if you choose to exert control over your actions you will have a back flow effect and trigger the feelings, thoughts, and images that are consistent with those of the person you want to be and of the person who lives the life you want to live.

What you say is automatically impressed into your mind and will be expressed later. It will come to manifest at some point. Your conversations reveal an enormous amount about you, the kind of person you are, and how you feel about yourself and others. That is why it so important that you discipline yourself to keep your conversations about people and situations positive and optimistic, no matter what misgivings you might have. Your words will impress themselves on your subconscious and make you a more positive and optimistic person. You'll be thinking like a winner.

One of the most important keys to thinking like a winner, is the ability to look for the good in every person and in every situation. It's the ability to assume the best of intentions on the part of everyone you deal with, rather than to be suspicious. It's the ability to seek for an equal or greater benefit or advantage in every obstacle or setback. It's the decision to look for the valuable lesson in every temporary failure. One of the main characteristics of all successful and high achieving men and women is that they are constantly looking for the silver lining in every cloud. Instead of focusing on the unpleasant aspects of a situation, they look into it for something good.

If you look for the good in every situation, you'll inevitably find something good. And because your conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time, either positive or negative, if you consciously control your thinking and choose to look for something positive, you'll remain a positive and optimistic person. You'll find that you rarely get upset or angry. You'll have a remarkable ability to turn every temporary setback or problem into something positive.

Thinking like a winner is the first step to living like a happy and successful person. You do become what you think about most of the time. You are what you most intensely believe. And if you think like a winner and do the things that successful men and women do to keep their minds positive and optimistic, you will eventually become a success in everything you do, and your possibilities will be unlimited.

Copyright? 2005 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many of America's largest corporations, on the subjects of leadership, self-esteem, goals, achievement, and success psychology.

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