The Power of the Mind

Each of us has a mind by which we convert ideas from spirit into the physical world. The mind is like a computer which when programmed will carry out certain tasks. Once programs are fully integrated we carry them out whenever the right key is pressed. Our automatic reactions are sometimes called subconscious programming. Actions become so habitual that we don't even realise we are doing them.

A computer follows instructions given by its programmer. Programs are debugged to make sure they are effective and then left in place for normal operations. Our computers have been programmed by our life experience from a very young age. If my mother insisted I clean up my plate or go to bed without TV, chances are that I still leave a completely empty plate on the table at age forty five. If I have been told all of my life that I will never have money, it is unlikely that I will ever have any.

We unconsciously carry out these deeply ingrained programs until one day we meet a mate and find that other people have different programming. This causes great clashes. We believe the way we think is the way it is and then find out that it is not necessarily so.

The good thing is that we can change our programming and hence what happens to us in the world. Naturally much of our programming such as breathing regularly and operating our hearts is very useful!! Consciously though we can change any programs (or thoughts) we no longer like into new programs.

Who we are today is the result of our thoughts in the past. Who we will be tomorrow is the result of the thoughts we think today. If you don't like the results you are getting out of life, change your programming. If you don't know what you are thinking, look at what is happening in your life. How are others treating you? Are you confident to do what you wish? Are you happy?

Reprogramming a computer is a matter of detective work. First the programmer specifies what needs to be changed, the new results expected. Then she analyses the current programs and find where they need alteration. It is possible that several programs are affected and all need changing. So it is with our thoughts. We may need more than one change in thought to remove an habitual pattern.

When the change is made, there may be other areas affected which now can sabotage the new operation. The programmer tests the new program for a time and then is prepared to make further modifications to perfect the new behaviours. When we change our thoughts it is necessary to be vigilant and watch for old habits creeping back in.

The same is true for emotional release work. If I release an old thought from my mind by clearing out the emotional attachment and don't fill the void with a new thought, the old one will find its way back in. This is why very often we feel an old pattern has left and then a few weeks later it returns. We have not replaced it with a new, more empowering idea.

Any of you who have played with mind power know that it works sometimes, but not always. Perhaps you can even understand the idea of old programs sabotaging new empowering ones. When you think about it, every action starts with a thought so it is logical that our thoughts create our universe. The incredible thing is that everyone else is creating their lives at the same time. We draw into our reality those who reflect our thought patterns.

If I believe that I will be attacked I will attract someone who believes they will attack someone. They are drawn in like nails to a magnet. There is a hidden and obvious part to this. A friend was working in the New York prison system and inmates said they looked for people who feared being attacked when looking for someone to mug. It was easier. The victims would look around to see who was nearby and showed vulnerability by their body language. Would you attack Sylvester Stalone or Arnold Schwartzenegger if you saw them in the street? Isn't this an example of thoughts creating reality?

When I was in Bogota, Columbia, famous for its high number of thieves, I had first hand experience of this. At the time I had lost all my valuable possessions during a bag snatch in Lima, Peru, so I was not particularly worried about being pick pocketed. I walked around all parts of the city day and night like I didn't have a care in the world and absolutely nothing happened.

While there I met a Frenchman who had been robbed in Bogota. We had met in other parts of South America previously. He told a sorry tale of how he went to the bank to get money for his air fare back to France. Unfortunately he walked around with his hands in his pockets, looking around to avoid trouble. Naturally he lost the lot!

I have had many experiences with my thoughts manifesting consciously. When we moved to Kariong we wanted to have a Sizzlers nearby. At the time there was none on the Central Coast. Within two months one was being built 10 minutes from home. I wanted a cheap photocopy centre near home and one opened within a month. We put out for a house and ended up in Kariong. By focusing on what we wanted we were able to manifest the money for the house and moved in within four months. All of these events happened when we had thoughts about what we wanted.

Sometimes we didn't manifest exactly what we wanted. Generally this was when we asked for money or something for which we had no need. I feel that for our thoughts to manifest easily they need to be attuned to those of others. For the Colour Copy shop to have appeared someone else must have had the thought to open a business in the area.

From my observation synchronicity of thought is probably a more accurate way of using the mind to create. Imagine concentrating on the Lotto numbers along with four million other people. Perhaps the thought waves become confused which makes it difficult for everyone to win.

What I have found is that when I tune in to the energy around me and I want to create what is for my ultimate good, it happens. It is a matter of being in the right place at the right time. I was working in the Scientific industry when I said one night to my partner, Linda, "It is time I left this job, wouldn't it be nice to receive a redundancy." The next day I received a cheque for $23,000. This enabled me to start my business. That single event was a great help in my being here writing this book.

Yes, we can create whatever we want using the power of the mind. Recently, I met a man who at the age of 23 was selling millions of dollars worth of office equipment world wide. He was then hit by a truck and after six months in traction decided to change his life.

I asked why he was not earning the large amounts of money he used to. His comment was that he was now focused on other things such as health and happiness. What we focus on expands. If you want your life to be different focus your mind on how you wish it to be. Then allow your thoughts to create a new reality.

There are a couple of points to this article. The first is that we have many thoughts creating in the world, some conscious and some unconscious. If we really focus our minds we can create amazing results.

The second is that we manifest in relation to others who are also thinking ideas. By tuning in to the needs of others and satisfying them we create what we want in life. This synchronicity makes manifestation much easier.

This is an extract from John Gaydon's book, "Life Mastery - how to achieve it" available at

John Gaydon lives in Australia and has dedicated his life to empowering others to achieve beyond their self imposed limitations. John's motto is, "Life was meant to be fun".

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