Powerful Insights

? If it takes me to periphery (Drifted into continuous thinking compulsion), it is controlling me. If I am at centre (without taking the support of any idea in my own nakedness), nothing is controlling me.

? If it takes me away from myself, I am not the boss. If I am myself, nobody has power over me.

? Whatever enables me to be my self is relatively right; whatever takes me away from my self is misleading.

? Whatever controls you can mislead you, the greatest man is one who can see the folly of conceptual extremism.

? Whatever retains your integrity will also strengthen you.

? You have never been in trouble, it's your ideas that are creating the trouble. Drop those like a bad dream.

? Let go and true perception will appear. Solution and problems are both creation of your own mind. You are neither the problem nor the solution. Everything is all right except your ideas of wrong.

? Nothing has ever been wrong except your ideas of right creating the illusion of wrong. It's the relativity/duality that's playing the game. Stop extremism.

? You are in problem because you are wandering from your own centre which itself is the source of authentic living.

? You are right and authentic when you are natural.

? In order to fly high, you got to unburden load of conceptual baggage. Shed of everything. Reality is vast and could not be attempted with rational mind alone. Know the scope and limitations of everything and live in peace.

? Living is a self fulfilled phenomenon when you learn the art of existing without any mental support; naked existential awareness is indeed complete in itself. An idea that originates in this state is fulfilled effortlessly.

? Incompleteness is just a perception of a disturbed mind. You can drop is with one conscious choice by stilling the mind.

? You need not make effort to get something; you just flow in trust. Drop the baggage; establish your consciousness in the desired reality. Drop the attachment to the result. Universe arranges the form and delivery. Focus the attention on your desired reality with free floating and loose attitude (not holding anything tightly). Live right now the reality of your aspiration in now dimension. You are already on the way to create it. It's not going to come from outside. It is an inner state projected outside. Abundance is a predisposition of mind to exist in glory; it is not a solid destination. Abundance is simply a state of being fluid and trusting our higher nature.

? What stands between you and your dream is self distrust and impatience.

Author: Santosh Kunte ? Mumbai India. An avid reader of the spiritual knowledge, engineering graduate and executive. Loves reading meditation and sharing. You can reach me for your valuable feedback or you can reach me for your problems of finance, relationship etc. by dropping an e-mail to me on sskunte2@rediffmail.com

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