Mind Games!

Have you ever been caught up in a thought that will not let you out? Escape is not an option. What was a simple drip in your pool of thoughts, quickly turned into an ocean of tidal waves rolling into each, over and over again.This is what it feels like to not have positive control over your mind.

Our minds often repeat hurtful thoughts or scenarios over and over, even when we'd much rather let them go. If you start really listening to your inner voice, you are probably dwelling on the past, remembering how someone may have let you down, or how much anger you still hold back from being hurt. If you fear the challenges that are waiting for you, or you are ashamed at where you are now in your life as compared to where you had planned on being, these fears will definitely be in line to play the mind game on you. All of these insecure or hurtful emotions that you once tucked away will come back to play when the game begins. Only when they come back, you will not recognize them. This is your first bad move. Now the mind game begins.

The game is of the mind, to confuse you in your thought process. When your mind is triggered even slightly by a word, a picture, or even a look, what we want to do is to think positive, nice, sweet and safe thoughts. If you have the slightest opening in your mind, the game will begin. It will take a thought and wait for your first emotional weakness. Then it will twist that thought and magnify it so that it feeds on that weakness and sends you into that ugly world of negative thinking.

You would give anything to shake off these negative thoughts, but we all know so well that it's easier said than done. Instead, you struggle through your day feeling like you are a freak and that if you do not get a grip on this mind game, and soon , you will explode. All that you want, is to be free of negative thoughts and be happy all the time.

You spend a lot of time thinking over negative feelings and sulking over regrets and misfortunes. The worst part is that the more you try to end this horrible game that twists your brain so tight, the worse it gets. You will try to avoid your hidden shames and worries, or drown them with alcohol or drugs. All that happens when that little fix-it ends, is that the mind game becomes stronger. New thoughts continue, the game attacks again only to turn those thoughts against you. You can feel them escalate into negative scenarios in your mind, but at this point powerless. The power of the game is winning and you are now in the believing stage of the game. Your mind now believes your negative thoughts. You are forced to react, and through this reaction the mind game soars and takes over even further. Now it not only controls you, but it has also taken control of your entire world and whoever is in it at the time. You collapse from the draining feeling of failure once again. You feel that you will never be able to win this mind game. You feel that you will be a pawn for the rest of your days on earth. A doormat and a bug to stepped on over and over again, because of your inability to gain strength and take control of your positive mind. So why not just give in? Why not just bow down whenever you fail to think positive thoughts? Well, I will tell you why you do not want to do that!

You are a human being with a heart and a brain. You were given the ability to feel emotions. Emotions such as: self-respect. self-esteem, humor, love, laughter, sexuality, self-confidence, but most of all, you were given intelligence and the will to survive. You were given the gift of life. Those are the reasons to fight. How to fight, is also right there in front of you.

You are already aware of the mind game. Most of you have played it so long that you should be the champions by now. I have talked about habits many times and I will keep talking about them. Through habits you can defeat many of those mind games. Try to simplify your thoughts. The stronger the game tries to twist them, the harder you work to shrink them.

I read about an interesting way to look at this. Think of your thoughts as a pop-up ad on your computer. You see it and then you don`t. Or it pops up and you simply delete it without giving it a second thought. Even if it was a negative pop-up, you spend no time at all analyzing where it came from, you simply carry on with what you were doing. This is a good way to play, and win the game. Also another way to play and win, is when your thought begins to twist through the negative game, start to vocalize it. Sing it quietly to yourself, or hum outloud. This will confuse the game, and throw it off track. Immediately when you get a thought that seems to be fair game, think of something very funny or a very sad movie that made you cry. A very good habit is to change your thought track. The game cannot keep up when the track is jumped. Be aware that your mind is a game field, but you have to play it in order to win. If you do not play, you will lose by defeat. SAD!!! So my words to you is this : KICK IT`S BUTT!!!!!!!


It is your imagination that constructs

the limitations you see,

so use imagination

to get rid of them.

- Anonymous


If you act like you are a powerful person,

then powerful things will

happen to you!

-Jane Eldershaw

Dorothy Lafrinere
Website- http://www.womensselfesteem.com
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email- http://www.womensselfesteem.com

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