How To Stay Positive In spite of The Negativity Around You

I'm often asked how it is that I stay so positive. Now allow me to clear up some misconceptions you might have based on that last statement. I am not one of those folks that walk around with what is commonly referred to as a career politician's smile painted across my face.

Although I do believe whole-heartedly in the power that a simple smile can impart on another. No, you see, just like everyone else, no matter how over all a positive person I am, or attempt to view things I still have my down moments.

I like to call it being human :-)

The very fact that we are just that, human, allows us all to have down times. The difference lies in how quickly we choose to get over those things that are holding us back, or making us feel at less then our personal best. And that I believe is a major key - being able to get past the downtimes in ones life as quickly as possible and getting back on with being your best. Moving towards continuous improvement.

Remember, self-improvement is a hands on project. That is to say that without ongoing implementation and attempting of the new ideas we learn, try as we might, we aren't going to miraculously wake up one day changed people. No, we've got to apply those ideas and bits of advice we learn.

Now if I might elaborate a bit on motivation itself. And how I believe you can better stay on the path of leading a more positive life, as well as pursuing your journey with greater motivation. I'll use the saying of Zig Ziglar; he has such a simple - yet powerful way of getting the point across...

Zig say's, "People often say motivation doesn't last, well that may be true, but neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it every day."

Now if that's not an ahhh haaaa moment for you, I'd like to ask you to really take in the simplicity of Mr. Ziglar's words. You see, that is the "gasoline" that has fueled my own journey to where I am now. It's how I stay positive in a world that others might tend to view as negative. It's how I tune out most of the negative things around me, and tune into what's positive.

But enough about me... Most importantly, it's how you can lead a more positive daily life. And as you can see, it's not really all that complex is it?

Let's look at it another way. You wake up and you pretty much have a clean slate. In most cases your day is fresh - neither overly negative nor positive. That being the case - and if you'll concede that what I illustrated above is true, then wouldn't it stand to reason that importing positive thoughts (i.e. reading, listening, reciting, etc.) first thing in the morning, and throughout your day could do wonders towards reprogramming your mind and the over all way in which you see your world?

I would say that it would - So here's your homework for today... Ugghhh, I never was that great of a student, and so I must tell you that even hearing that word homework, gives me the shivers as I'm sure it did some of you... Even so, like I said before, self-improvement is a hands on project so it's worth getting over it and now embracing the view that you are a life long learner.

I did, and I can tell you - I've been infinitely better for it as I'm certain you will as well. It really is just a shift in your thinking from - I'm not a good student to - I enjoy learning for what it will make of me. Simple? Of course, but I'm living proof that simplicity is often all it takes.

So here's what I'll ask you to do....

Copy the following quote again on a 3x5 index card - or somewhere you can keep it handy and not lose it:

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily" - Zig Ziglar.

Read that several times a day. Also, choose to read something or listen to something of a positive nature at least three times a day - preferably, morning, noon and evening. What would be even better is if you could immediately counter any and all negative experiences with something positive.

Given the events of most people's days this isn't always feasible, but it can pay dividends and is worth attempting. The big thing to keep in mind here is that no matter how great any idea or advice is, unless YOU choose to implement it and give it a fair shot to work its magic in your life you're not going to get results.

Let me say that again - because it's that important!

YOU have to be a part of your own success journey. If you want to see real lasting change for the better in your life, you've got to be the biggest part of the process.

So simply knowing that you can offset your negative feelings by introducing positive thoughts into your mind simply isn't enough. No - you've got to actually do it - it's going to mean keeping that motivational book, or tape handy to refer to when you need to. It might mean stopping what you're doing at the moment or even scheduling yourself (and sticking to it) sometime to take in positive or motivational material.

Like dieting, or exercising, developing a positive mental attitude is a choice. It requires nurturing. It's not always immediate, but if you will work on it, and cultivate it you will see results. And those around you will as well.

To Your Success, Josh Hinds

(c) 2004

About The Author

Josh Hinds of specializes in helping people to achieve maximum success and live the life of their dreams -- receive his motivation newsletter by going to Josh is also the co-founder of

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