Gratitude: the ICE that Fills Your Half Empty Glass!

Are you completely happy in your life right now? Honestly? Have you achieved all the success that you know is rightfully yours?

If not, then perhaps you're missing this VITAL piece of the puzzle- GRATITUDE.

A deep and profound feeling of gratitude must be an ESSENTIAL component of who you are, if you wish to live a life of permanent happiness and success.

I totally agree with Cicero when he said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others."

The fact is, without complete unconditional gratitude, there is no true happiness. And without an underlying foundation of happiness, you cannot have success.

On the other hand, a person living in complete gratitude cannot fail to be happy and successful.

For the short answer as to why this works, consider one of the Universal Laws governing our lives which says that what you focus your mind on, is what you get. Focus on negativity and you will experience more negativity. Focus on the positive, and you will experience more of the positive.

The power of gratitude is that it focuses your attention on the positive aspects of your life. There is no room for fear in any of its forms, when your mind is filled with a deep and profound sense of gratitude. By focusing on the good and positive aspects of your life, and expressing gratitude, you will get even more of these positive experiences.

And even more powerful than that - look to your current and past challenges and failures - and find a positive there. Give thanks for it. And you will find that you've taken a massive step in growing & learning from the experience, and overcoming similar challenges in future.

Can't find a positive in your failures? You're just not trying hard enough. Consider this quote by Confucius:

"I was complaining that I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet."

There is always a positive. Find it, and express a deep and unconditional gratitude. Your future success and happiness depend on it.

Try not to limit yourself in who you express gratitude to. It doesn't have to always be a person. You can also express gratitude to an object (just for being), an experience, a feeling, a sound, a colour, a view. You can thank a group of people, a whole nation, the whole of humanity, nature, the universe, God, the Universal Spirit, or collective consciousness, or whichever other power you can relate to.

So what's the most effective way to express gratitude?

Let's look at 2 simple methods.

(1) Repeat after me: "Thank You!"

Awesome! I think you've got it. :)

You can make the expression as detailed and specific as you wish, but there is something beautiful about a simple "Thank You" when expressed with a deep and genuine love & appreciation.

Try it now. Think of the person you most love in the world. Perhaps your partner, your parents, or a friend? If you can't think of anyone, then picture the type of person you'd love to fall in love with. Focus on their image with complete acceptance and love, and thank them!

"Thank you for just being you."

"Thank you for the joy you bring to my life."

Whatever you wish to thank them for, express it with genuine love & gratitude.

There's NO WAY you can feel bad while expressing true gratitude.

Try it again. If you're reading this article, then express gratitude for the power of sight. If it's being read to you, then give thanks for the miracle of sound.

It takes a bit of practice, but if you do this regularly, your quality of life will improve dramatically.

And whenever you find your life is not quite on track, pause to show gratitude for what you have here & now. You'll find the right way forward.

(2) Now let's take it to another level. You may have heard of the concept of a Gratitude Journal. This is powerful stuff.

If you're serious about your happiness, you MUST do this.

Buy a nice book, and as often as you can, record something you're thankful for. Anything! It doesn't matter how big or small. Just record whatever you're grateful for in you life.

Expressing your gratitude in writing, and reading it back to yourself, increases the power a thousandfold.

Personally, I try to add five new entries per day.

And anytime you feel like a nice "pick-me-up", reach for your Gratitude Journal.

You'll find it's full of inspiration - an uplifting reminder of the good that you have in your life. It'll get your mind back on the positive, and perhaps even sometimes you'll experience that deep "knowing", that you really are perfect exactly as you are, and that your life is perfect exactly as it is.

Try it. Start today & see how your life improves.

If you want to see an example of how simple it is to express gratitude via a Gratitude Journal, please have a look at mine.

I have recently moved it online so that you can all see.

You will find it at:

Oh, and before I go, why not try this exercise for an hour or so, and see how it makes you feel. Sit down somewhere where you can watch people go past. Perhaps a cafe in the city, or a seat on a train. For every person you see, give a smile and send a silent "Thank You" to them. For no real reason. Just because you can. Make it a silent outpouring of love and gratitude - just for being.

It's silent, so there's no need to feel silly. Just try it. You'll feel good, I promise.

THANK YOU for reading,

Lance Beggs

Lance Beggs is the author of the "How to be Happy Now" newsletter, and the soon to be released "How to be Happy Now" book. His mission is to help others live a life of meaning, love & happiness!

Subscribe to his FREE Mini Course & ezine at

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