Affirmations for Success + Music = Pow!

Music penetrates our mental barriers and influences the deepest areas of our mind. The right music, combined with the right affirmations for success, can have a huge effect on our receptivity.

Just look at the media...they spare no expense to come up with the right music for a movie, tv show or a commercial.

They know that if the music and lyrics are compelling enough you'll be focused on their message.

Everyone's had this experience...someone starts humming a tune or singing something or you hear a song on the radio and you just can't get it out of your head.

Even the mention of something strongly associated with theme music can get you singing it in your head.

Let's see if that's true. If I mention The Flintstones to you, what's the first thing you think of?

If you're anything like me...the first thought that came to me was Yabba-Dabba-Do!! Then, the theme song started running a loop in my mind...especially this part of the song...Have a yabba-dabba-doo time...A dabba-doo time...You'll have a gay old time!

Over and over and over...accckk! Our thoughts are like this.

If all our lives our thoughts about success have been negative...they will continue to run loops in our mind unless we choose to replace them with something else such as affirmations for success.

You can use this phenomenon to your advantage. A great example of a positive success affirmation set to music comes from the musical, Oklahoma and I use it quite often to give myself a boost.

It goes like this, "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I've got a wonderful feeling, everything's going my way!"

I sing it every morning while I'm walking my dog. She and some of my neighbors think I'm a little bit off my rocker...but hey, it makes me smile and gives me a positive start to the day. I always sing in the shower as well...great acoustics there.

Sometimes I'll change it up a bit and use the last line to help manifest more of something in my life. For example, say I want a little more cash on hand...I'll change the last line to, "money is flowing my way!" That last line is one of the great affirmations for success.

Give it a try right now! You'll be smiling as you sing and that raises your vibration helping to allow success to flow to you.

Begin each day on a positive note and watch your life dramatically improve!

To Your Success!

Maureen Oliver is a Reiki Master/Teacher and student of success principles. For more information on using affirmations and success quotes to improve your chances of living a fulfilling and prosperous life visit:

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