The Rosicrucian Council of Three


A Thelema/OTO leader who became a Mason in 2003 told me that I am silly to talk about the Rosicrucian Council of Three because it is no longer in existence. Yes Clymer, Paine and Franklin are all dead physically despite the machinations and rituals to prolong life that these people often do use. When Lincoln was a member of it he had Paschal Beverly Randolph as a fellow member. This Randolph believed he was able to do what Crowley and Cagliostro and many others of their ilk said they could do. That has to do with the continuance of the soul rather than the body and I can assure you this is not as impossible as it may sound. Crowley's personal name for himself as this soul entity was Perdurabo which means something akin to soul continuance. I believe Thomas Jefferson and Frederick Douglas are two people who owe their fame and even their existence to the Randolph/Levi/Cagliostro genetic and soul knowledge genetic programs. I have dealt with the esoterics of these things in other books.

Edward Kelley was the specialist for John Dee who used the scryring stones that Franklin's Hellfire Club had in London where Franklin's home has provided evidence connected to trepanning and eating Thalami. A woman who wanted to marry me had a sister who killed her mother and the courts let this sister off with time served because the court believed the mother was indeed using these rituals to take over her daughter's body. Anderson's Constitutions is the reforming construct or detailed plan for the structure of modern Masonry and this family was those Andersons. I have been told by many people who have heard these things from my lips that it is revolting and hard to believe. David Icke got duped into thinking they are able to change shapes and it appears he may still believe they are extraterrestrial beings or descended therefrom.

The Dragons or Pendragons of the Arthurian/Grail/Merovingian continuum are admitting or proclaiming a lot of this nonsense in books by De Vere and Sir Laurence Gardner in recent years. Those two authors appear to have had a falling out but just as I know the Illuminati/Alumbrados name has had many revivals I suspect these people use names and apparent conflicts to keep people confused. We all have heard that the Masons and Catholic Church have a serious blood feud but this is just for show. This book (America's Assassinations and Aspirations) will show Lincoln had gone against the Rothschilds just before they were involved in bringing Crowley/Cagliostro back to the world stage through the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. L. Ron Hubbard Jr. said the start of Scientology was the death of Crowley who his father took part in a soul transference with.

This is why Lincoln was assassinated even though he was a member of the Rosicrucian Council of Three. The Bush family has not gone against these real managers or shadow world governing forces. That is why they are 'Teflon Presidents' and able to support the Merovingian drug enterprises and war machines as well as BCCI, the S & L or Enron debacles without suffering what happened to the Kennedy boys. The media is owned or controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller/Dupont complex including Katharine Graham who recently retired as head of the American Publisher's Association.

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at

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