The New Goo Review is Coming Right At You

Non-lethal Goo Concepts have been tossed around by many war planners and Advance Weapon Think Tanks as an alternative to lethal force. Impeding the enemy army advancement and rendering them useless in battlespace has several positives. The logistical supply chains of the enemy are completely stopped. The fighting ability of the enemy is severely limited and may leave no option but surrender or annihilation.

Rather than planting landmines to stop the enemy advancing, we can lay tiger traps of Goo. In places where oil drilling has been going on for awhile all the basic needs are already in the ground. All we need to is to get them to the surface and prepare a catch basin. Let's take areas such as the current conflicts in the Middle East, where lots of oil drilling has been going on for many years.

Since the Middle East has many oil fields and we have a migration of insurgents problem and the oil company assets need to be defended since they are the most primary targets of our enemy we need another line of border or perimeter security. Such areas outside of the major cities we are defending until the new government can stand on it's own are also primary targets as well as those who defend them. In those areas, which are prone to insurgent crossing, we should use the oil as a barrier to entry. An idea to defend a region may need to take into consideration some of the available close at hand opportunities. For instance creating a mote like perimeter around a region and filling it with oily, seawater. The oily seawater is already in the ground in many places as it is pumped into underground cavities created when the oil is pumped out. By mixing this oily saltwater and chemical polymer chains to make a "Goo" and then covering the mote with a layer of sand. This can be done easily by digging the mote, 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep and lining it with a plastic bottom. By increasing the underground pressure and drilling down and allowing the salt-water, which has been pumped in, to flow out into the newly dug lined mote, the canal can be quickly filled. Once the mote is completely filled and before any of the oily water moisture evaporates, create a wind or dust storm to cover the "goo" with a layer of sand. Thus you have created a gooey mess covered with sand, which cannot be seen, but provides a barrier to stop crossings. Such a barrier will be able to prevent crossing or be penetrated by surface movement such as Camels, walking insurgents or suicide car bombers. Oil Companies may also wish to defend their assets in this way. The United States government cannot defend all company assets or track down and defend every possible international terrorist target and it is also necessary that the United States stick to protecting Americans, due to costs and readiness to defend against future threats without over extending our resources.

If the Oil Companies are able to defend their own assets and secure the perimeters of their facilities against International Terrorists without such things which have been determined to be inhuman such as landmines or the outright shooting any trespasser for fear they might have hostile intentions, the human race is better served. If we can keep out insurgents as we complete our Nation Building post-war efforts, then those peoples will create their much over do democracies and experience the freedoms they need much sooner. By securing borders in this way we can prevent loss of US and Iraqi security forces today and protect other free nations in the future, by assisting them to better protect themselves, without the wasteful expenditure of life on either side, which propels further reciprocal responses and revenge motivated behavior. Such a tactic as an alternative to landmines makes a lot of sense.

A system of gooey motes will provide that all those who come into the cities go through checkpoints. Sonic pre-detonation devices can be pointed at all vehicles coming within 500 yards of the checkpoint to detonate any explosives in any vehicles approaching checkpoints. Thus we eliminate all incoming bombs and prevent checkpoint car bombs.

Motes built around airport perimeters where a shoulder launched missile could be fired could prevent an International Terrorist from getting close enough to get off a good shot at any commercial or military craft. With enough advanced warning, altitude and maneuvering speed our military aircraft can use anti-missile devices and chafe to prevent a hit. Motes built around oil company assets or parallel to pipelines also provides a large level of cushion against potential attack.

In defending an area against invasion the advancing forces will be forced to go a certain way, thus making defense much easier and the outcome in your favor more predictable. As the US has superior air power, once you force your enemy into fewer and fewer options and linear based tactics, the game is usually over very quickly. The goo is much harder to cross than water and with no bridges available it makes crossing nearly impossible. Those who try are stuck and out of the game. Trying to go around puts them exactly where you want them for an easy kill and since the goo is covered over they have to keep guessing where to cross, each time risking the loss of more vehicles, camels or troops.

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