The Looting of American Taxpayers Social Security Disability by Fraudulent Employers Pt. 1

For more than a decade, you the American taxpayer have been burdened with my disability assistance. Why? Because my high-profile employer, a member of the bar and a politically connected entity in this area along with the assistance of his insurance carrier, insurance investigator and other members of the bar as well as a president-elect of a national civil rights organization at the local level assisted my former employer to get away with denying multiply sustained on-the-job injury and infirmities.

When one has never experienced this type of almost instant change in one's life and comes up close and personal to the negative illegal machinations of officialdom one may not be able to digest the level to which one's honorably titled employer official will stoop to get away with stepping up to the plate to assume his responsibility for his employee, who before accepting the hard earned position which was offered to her after weeks and weeks of waiting while other applicants were interviewed for the open position and was finally offered to her, was a healthy normal breathing, sturdy legged, strong back individual.

No high blood pressure, no acute respiratory dysfunction due to indoor air pollution and no injury to leg or back.

Inexperience can sometimes demand a heavy paying price for not seeing what can happen to one's right's in these circumstances. It is a very hard pill to swallow or believe.

Especially when one is dealing from a "Do No Harm" mentality.

One's integrity, veracity and value is all but eliminated by lies and omission.

One learns that those with honorable titles will not necessarily employ honorable methods when deciding to deny an employee's work related claims.

Insurance company investigator's do not show up until three months after the injury/infirmities first began. Wearing nice clothes, being well coiffed and wearing high heels, she acted like a two legged pitbull, attacking your claims, calling you a liar and accusing you of fraud. A well dressed, articulate bully, who just chewed up and spit out your rights.

So many improprieties. So much illegal machination. Waiting fifteen months to offer the surgery required for the damaged knee. Waiting too long. During the interim from the time of the injury to the surgery, the employee fell constantly, reinjuring her legs and back over and over and over again. The knees and back damaged and poorly functional.

Needing 9-1-1-assistance numerous times. Requiring emergency hospitalization for acute respiratory dysfunction, kept on oxygen for five and half days until the oxygen level of the blood had reached a safe level.

Years of physical theraphy, counciling due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Numerous surgeries. Inundated with medications that blew up the body, like prednisone and theophylline. Being taken for more than five years. Inhalers, and prescribed medications to help keep one breathing. The price charged for inhalers is off-the-chart.

None of this was in effect before accepting the position of legal accounting at this law firm.

The denigrating treatment from some intake worker's while being processed for consideration of state assistance. Racism open and in your face. Obstruction of one's rights, over and over and over again.

The Equal Rights Commission losing your file for two years, then advising you that time had expired on one's claim, even though they admitted losing one's file for two years. A favor for my former employer, member of the bar.

No attorney willing to take the case, because of personal and professional association with one's former employer.

The A.C.L.U. claiming they did not have the funds to take on another case. Yet a few days later, there was an announcement on the news that they had received a 25 million dollar grant.

When one is dealing with any entity who appears to be able to manipulate other entities into doing his dirty work for him, those with no power, no connections are thrown to the wolves.

Their lives soundly sundered. Meeting too many people in the system who continuously violate the rights of many and the law and no one seems to have the power to put a stop to it. It would appear that they are above the law.

My employer and his insurance company have stolen, looted more than half a million american taxpayer dollars from all of you. From city, state and federal sources.

There appears to be no way to ferret out employer's and make them responsible for their irresponsibilities and fraud.

Otherwise, why is my former employer and his insurance company still benefiting from their denial? Each time a deposit from ssd is made to me or Medicare and Medicaid provide prescriptions and medical care my employer and his insurance company have in the furtherence of federal law violation defrauded funded programs of benefits and taxpayer monies.

So I put it to the potential reader's of this article. Are there any answers? Why aren't politician's looking into these frauds? Each state stands to lose thousands upon thousands of Medicaid dollars, funded by federal source. The Medicare programs are diminished by many more thousands and thousands of dollars, weakening the solvency of said coverage. Then we come to the Social Security Disability funding. There is so much fraud it is mind boggling and it appears to be so very easy to get away with.

And our most illustriously perceived title holders are the perpetrator's.

Any answers?

Julia-estelle (ginger) Ferrer, II

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