MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law

Nothing could be more alarming for Americans than what I read this morning: "The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for private economic development." This is a deplorable moral atrocity to perpetrate against Americans and must be reversed. Those responsible should know that they have destroyed their own credibility in the eyes of a free people, and should now go join the insurgency in Iraq.

I never thought I'd live to see this scavenging of property rights in America. Power has just been taken from the people and given to those of privilege. This is not eminent domain due to necessity via roads and proper ingress and egress, but via opportunity. And when in history have these petty government officers ever shown fiscal responsibility or forward vision? These men have no idea how to make a profit; that's why they're in government-so they don't have to address the subject.

Small businesses and homeowners will now lose to large developers, banks and corporations. Power and size now supercede property rights. Tax "profits" now come before families. Pay attention; these are the people to vote out of office in the next election.

President Andrew Jackson defined the moral boundaries of all human institutions in his famous bank veto speech:

"Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth cannot be produced by human institutions...every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges,...the humble members of society-the farmers, mechanics, and laborers-who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors for themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as heaven does its rains, shower its favor alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles." -Andrew Jackson

An MSNBC report has said "The Supreme Court's ruling on private property will have a significant impact across the country." You bet it will. If it is not reversed, the worst potential result will reflect the causes of the Vietnam War. How? During the 1950's, the CIA violently uprooted over one million people from North Vietnam and dumped them on the South Vietnamese with no property rights and no livelihood. They became bandits for sheer survival, who were then termed the Veitcong. The CIA created an enemy for us to go and fight, though their war plans were later hampered by a true American, John F. Kennedy. The same people who killed Kennedy are behind this ruling, looking to achieve what they secretly desire: to push America one step closer to civil war.

The civil, moral process of development through natural attrition will be swept away, and now anyone with money and friends in city planning can be creative with your land and decide whether to go to court and take it from you. 1. Sentiment between rich and poor will reach an all-time low. 2. Federal Reserve loose money policies have already caused economic desperation. 3. Relaxed weapons laws means we are all well-armed. And now, 4. We have no right to our property. The stage is being prepared for an unwinnable guerilla conflict on American soil; the Hegelian/Malthusian ideal of genocide as a proper means of profit and population control.

"Justice John Paul Stevens said local officials, not federal judges, know best?" Right, as if Americans have never encountered the waste, graft and incompetence of government officials. My answer is "We the citizens are responsible grown-ups. We don't need to be taken care of, and you are not better suited to decide our destiny." After witnessing the mindless turf wars and backstabbing between my local politicians, I certainly wouldn't put any big decisions in their hands; see to it that the roads are maintained.

Regarding Justice Stevens, I wouldn't trust such a judge to preside over a toaster. He cares so much, he's willing to stick a gun in your face to prove it? Human rights evolve from the individual, to the social, to the institutional realms. No sound institutional decision ever violates the foundation it stems from. By undercutting human beings at so basic a level, Justice John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer have given us good reason to doubt their judgment, and to expect their resignations.

This is not the first time our Chief Justice has put his integrity aside to intervene for special interests. If you really want to understand and protect yourself and those you care for from what is at the heart of megalomania, read Moral Armor. With a complete description of the "Submission/Domination Axis" stemming from the Fear-Driven mindset, you will be Morally Armed. As the knowledge spreads, there will be nowhere left for them to hide. "Watch out marauding developers; the ground isn't as stable as you think."

As a home and small business owner, DO NOT BUDGE. As a citizen, if individuals lose, BOYCOTT these new developments. Deny the business and tax revenue such men seek by these "carefully formulated" wonton land-grabs. Vote this law's supporters out of office. Through Moral Armor, gain the philosophical perspective to put this insanity behind us. Until then, I'll leave them with a quote from King Arthur in response to his enemy; "I'll look for YOU on the battlefield."

Copyright 2005 Ronald E Springer

Ronald E. Springer is the Author/Philosopher of Moral Armor, the world's first fully-integrated moral philosophy based on the nature of Man. Featured on The Mitch Albom Show, NBC and FOX News radio affiliates, Mr. Springer is available for interviews, speaking engagements, philosophy workshops, and seminars.

Please contact or visit for details.

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