Is Congress Going to Lay the Groundwork to Include Education with the Steroid Legislation?

As of late steroid use in sports has been the topic of conversation by the media. From Jose Conseco appearing on Donnie Deustch's "The Big Idea" which airs on CNBC to Congress looking to pass legislation to regulate steroid use in professional sports.

Is steroid use a problem in pro sports?

Well it depends on who you asked, but steroids weren't developed in 2005, they have been around for quite some time. Most people associated bodybuilding with steroid use so football and baseball players that may have used them just flew under the radar.

As sports enthusiasts question records that were broken and bash those pro athletes that have been singled out for steroid use, the big problem isn't the use of steroids by pro athletes but the use of steroids by the youth.

Of course kids that are playing baseball in the schoolyard look up to their role models and try to emulate them. So laws being passed to eliminate the use of steroids in pro sports may have an impact, but having a law isn't enough. There has to be an educational process developed so that the youth really understands the dangers of steroid use.

Legislation without Education in this instance would be a big error.

When educators and politicians thought that speaking about drugs or sexually transmitted diseases might increase the use of drugs or sexual activity with the youth, they found out that kids knew more than they thought. So they have to take the same stance with steroids early on.

They have to assume that young athletes are aware of steroids and some perhaps use them. Then move forward accordingly and educate the youth on what they are and the harm that they may cause.

I am amazed that a pro athlete would come out via a book and admit their steroid use but does not take the responsibility of publicly denouncing steroid use with the youth and making public statements along those lines. Perhaps tainting the careers of other pro athletes was good enough but any pro athlete that has thousands if not millions of kids looking up to them have a responsibility to the public.

Maybe congress should work with MLB, the NFL, NHL and NBA and create PSA's warning of the dangers of steroid use and begin a program in schools educating the youth on steroid use. Another good idea would be to develop a program to educate the parents as well.

We will see what develops in the coming months and hopefully legislators will keep in mind that they have to include education with legislation as it relates to steroids.

Louis Victor
New Age Media Concepts

Louis Victor is the Executive VP of the firm New Age Media Concepts. He has written several published articles on various topics such as advertising, business, and international issues.

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