There is nothing-absolutely nothing-insofar as political power when it is under girded by morality, especially when that morality embraces the strength of the Christian religion. This is what Adolph Hitler seized upon, amplified, and nourished: One Reich, one Reich's Church. With religion's unwavering legitimacy enshrouding Nazism's agenda-nothing could stop him. Today, an eerie semblance overshadows the West (this "revision"-August, 2005-is an update of this semblance)-it harkens back to the dark side of Christendom's triumphalism wherein the State and Church team up to defeat evil doers and simultaneously spread Globalism and Gospel through military strength and the Crusaders' zeal. What awful foolishness we witness when history repeats her worst episodes-nothing compares to the insanity of those who are doomed to duplicate earth's darkest days!
This article was written by one of German ancestry whose forebears on his mother's side can be traced to Martin Luther himself; thence, the incessant interest in the rise of Adolf Hitler and, in particular (through years of research) the under girding support he derived in his ascendancy from the Christian religion in the heart of Europe. How could this possibly happen? Alas! Could we in America be as deceitfully predisposed to such a malevolent curse-driven by the same demons? Do we today witness camouflaged strategies designed to accomplish a greater horror of unimaginable consequence and upon Christendom of like vulnerability?
The remotest thought of such an evil plot akin to what seduced the German people could somehow be foisted upon our beloved America boggles the senses . . . yet, each day, each month, the same cultural polarization eerily divides; the similitude of its military-industrial complex mirrors that of Rome's expansions; its cries for greater and more restrictive security for its citizenry clamors; its tenuous economic factors now threatening the globalism it created as a result of the insatiable consumption of all things luxurious persist-all this while within the walls of our crystal city, the party is oblivious to the multitude of the wretched outside who admire and distain its opulence. Are there comparisons? Be not quick in your rejection that alleged "systems" now in place-with histories of wide disparity-insure Americans absolute relief from the extremities of Nazi Germany . . . look again, look carefully, very carefully . . . history's mercurial habit at repetition seeks to warn us all . . . "broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be that go in thereat."
To understand the appeal, the absolute, mesmerizing, and intoxicating drive behind Hitler's success, one must go beyond the inequities of the Versailles Treaty and delve into the mysterious association that Herr Hitler placed upon the Christian religion. Don't think that Adolf was way off into some cultic, overtly demonic world of fantasy and influence. True, the occult most assuredly was deeply engaged in his thinking and outlook-but the use of legitimate Christian imagery was his forte. He both understood the need to mobilize the masses and the religion that alone could sway their fidelity to his cause.
Furthermore, throughout his declarations and apparent pontifications, is a unique ability to uplift and galvanize the German people-to so highly esteem them, and to generate within them the self-esteem that would produce a people whose image reflected the one who had so unalterably changed and transformed them into the awesome enunciation of der Fuhrer himself. They became transfixed and transported into another state of mind and being-from despair and rejection, to an exhilarating euphoria and total acceptance. They could BE ALL THAT THEY COULD BE and then some. Here is no buffoon strutting upon the stage of German dejection cavalierly riveting the German mind and will upon himself-no, no, no!
Here is the uniqueness of Adolf Hitler-one who could so verbalize with utter clarity what the German soul could be in its fullness and creative genius. Neither did his spoken word proclaim his own commitment and genius-it climaxed within the Germany he envisioned in such a rapturous expression and discovery of who they were, and what they could become, with God Almighty vindicating every breath they would take! Hitler injected into nearly every German heart a DIVINE SPARK, which regrettably morphed into an inferno of destruction and death unforeseen in human history-but its initial dissension upon its benefactors was replete with a baptism of power and light utterly transcendent that it captured an entire nation in the heart of Christian Europe. Its pristine message created the IMAGE of DAS VOLK, a people who were destined by the very triumph of their corporate will to be the consummation and commencement of the Kingdom of God-DAS THOUSANDE JAHRE REICH! (The promised millennial reign-one thousand year kingdom)!
But, firstly, the Weimar Republic's failure was predictable. Its liberalism was far too watered down, far too immersed in its diversity and acceptance to galvanize the enthusiasm and concerted consecration of common folk, who longed for a winner, a leader, a "national champion." Democracy, gone awry, alone can produce dictatorship-de facto, or elected! Ultimately, the Left (Weimar or Hollywood)-again by its very nature-simply cannot SUSTAIN the caliber of commitment and vision that can be produced by absolutism and rigid conservatism to which we allude here.
Today a growing number of truly evangelical faithful observe the Christian Right in America, assisted by its current allies among the so-called neocons (i.e., neoconservatives-pragmatic politicos), forging a formidable alliance of convenience that wholly supports the rise of the American New World Order System. Its striking resemblance to Hitler's appeals is frightful! Liberalism may rant and rave about societal freedoms and renounce governmental restrictions-but their voices and challenges are hollow sounding and even adjudged fallacious, when the triumph of his armies have so prevailed upon the Plains of Shinar! Libertarians and Constitutionalists-you do well to listen to this diatribe.
Likewise, the bickering factions within the Democratic Party (hard left-Moveon.orgs. vs. the Clintonians), whose extremities mirror the fratricide of their Weimar counterparts, sadly lack a cohesive strategy aside from a total pullout from the Middle East or its antithesis: All-out War against the infidels! Indeed, you especially do well to listen to this diatribe.
Meanwhile, the flagrant embrace of the war machine by evangelicals continues unabated-witness the bizarre web site @ and the on-going ascendancy of the American clergy to brandish their description as "Patriotic Pastors" juxtaposed to, I guess, those who are not-to wit:
"Thus, the Ohio Restoration Project (ORP) . . . plan(s) to identify and train 2,000 so-called 'Patriot Pastors' to get out the evangelical vote for the Ohio primary in May 2006.
"The Rev. Russell Johnson, ORP head and senior pastor of Fairfield Christian Church, an evangelical congregation in suburban Columbus, casts the 2006 election as an apocalyptic clash between a virtuous Christianity and the evildoers who oppose Christianity's values.
"This is a battle between the forces of righteousness and the hordes of hell," says Johnson on his church's website. He exhorts evangelical clergy to get off the sidelines and lead America away from secularism and godlessness through the ballot box." (August 23, 2005, Ohio Jewish
"God and country" rallies are planned throughout the burgeoning rise of the Patriotic Church over the next several years:
"Encourage their church families to participate in Pastor Policy Briefings and regional 'God and Country Rallies' where the issues of the day are underscored and highlighted and the Judeo-Christian ethic is affirmed. Nationally known speakers Franklin Graham, Zell Miller, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (of Ohio), Bob McEwen, Pastor Lawrence White, Pastor Rod Parsley (Center for Moral Clarity), Ambassador Alan Keyes, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson and Tony Perkins will be asked to participate." ( ? Feb. 6, 2005).
This, coupled with Pat Robertson's "assassination remarks" of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (August, 2005), in keeping with his chilling remarks regarding the nuking of our own State Department for its alleged "Anti-Americanism" made in October, 2003, highlights the identification of the Republican Party with the rise of the Patriotic Church and its "Patriotic Pastor" brigades-now galvanizing throughout these United States.
The "moral polarization" of America has created a huge gapping sociopolitical chasm akin to what took place in Germany's Weimar. Black, Hispanic, and other newly-arrived minorities, in the main, are familial stalwarts who, though the Democrat economic agenda meshes well on their behalf, are far more predisposed to the social agenda of the Patriotic Pastors-the "sodomites" who appear ubiquitous amongst the Democrats are shunned by the rank and file Republicans and most assuredly by the Patriotic Church. The vast majority of Germans were repulsed by the excesses of the Cabaret Society-who would lead them out of their debauchery, decadence, and depression?
The masses of Americana are traumatized by the "isms" identified with the Left in America (evolutionism, socialism, communism, anarchism, feminism, even ecumenism-especially, the un's millennium world peace summit in new york, August 28-31, 2005 (now threatened by John Bolton's suggestions)-along with abortion, homosexuality/same sex marriage), even in the worst of economic situations these masses will not embrace "it's the economy stupid" but unwaveringly hold to their traditional values; furthermore, are not more Americans owning their own homes, working, living the dream as never before? The heartlanders and newly-arrived view these "isms" as anti-Christ, anti-God, and anti-American-much to the chagrin of the Democratic mainstream. Yet, the Left in America lumps "all" of faith as "suspect" at best, and at the core of America's demise at worst. Similarities, yes, similarities . . .
The tone and substance coming from the mouth of Herr Hitler, although the context is, of course, unique to European Christianity, is eerily compatible to what we are increasingly hearing today from certain political leaders within the American New World Order System. What you are about to read will shock many of you-will utterly cause you to have a spiritual seizure; a revulsion akin to a full-blown, stomach-bending, vomit-but you must come to terms with why this is happening and how religion-the Christian religion-is the most powerful tool that can be utilized in order to capture the "believing" masses and to promote, through "moral covering" and political dedication, an agenda that resounds within the heart of the common man in the context of Western Civilization.
Hitler, like today's champions of Americana, knew that the "believing masses" had been beaten down; had suffered their World War (Viet Nam), had their beloved Germany (America) battered about with moral decline and "radical secularism" that caused the "moral fiber" of the nation to collapse-something had (has) to be done-someone with guts and glory had (has) to arise to capture the imagination of the nation to arise from its depravity and crimes, from its vulnerability (be it from "them socialists" or "terrorists"), from its self-inflicted and debilitating social ills . . . someone is needed to alter our self-perceptions!
The problem was created by the Devil himself-The Cabaret Society of the Weimar Republic (They never represented true Germany!). "We'd been maligned by every creeping thing imaginable upon our streets: Socialists, Communists, radical Unionists, Jews, Secularists, Liberal Theologians, Homosexuals, Raunchy Entertainment, ad nausea-and this upon our wretched economic woes and that 'Paper from Hell' (i.e., the Versailles Treaty)."
Now-the Devil would provide the solution to the aforementioned problem. He would provide the solution through a man, a party, that would reach down to the common man and pull upon his heart strings-upon that which is made to respond to the highest ideals of man: His religious conscience would be the springboard to launch a fully consecrated and absolutely committed people, sold out to the one who could uplift and empower them. Thence, this resolution to Germany's defeat must be ensconced within the language of power and persuasion-it must carry the fervor of the EVANGELIST, the power of the PROPHET, the message of the APOSTLE! Yes, convoluted-but done with such passionate skill, that the unwitting and desperate would believe the LIE. Indeed, a true LIE is so close to reality that its frightening resemblance obscures all semblances to the truth!
Ultimately, a lie told long enough, and amplified to the uttermost, resounds with familiarity-YE SHALL BE AS GODS, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL! This original deceit confounded our original forebears. This is no ordinary lie-it is THE LIE. Godhood, the ultimate UBERMENSCH, is the final destiny of the German race-of Hitler's "Religion." But first, the people must be prepared, until they realize their supreme destination and status as DAS VOLK!
HITLER-I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID IT! (Hitler/Nazi Comments in quotes/bold)
"We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession." (Item 24 of the German Worker's Party "Program" cir. 1920s)
At the earliest formation of the Nazi Party, Hitler expressed his Christian support to the German people and soldiers. In the 1920s, Hitler's German Workers' Party (pre Nazi terminology) adopted a twenty-five-point program with the clear intent to persuade the German people that "positive Christianity" was in full conformity to the "moral" convictions of the Party-i.e., the Party fully embraced the morality of Christianity and that Christianity was viewed as "singular" in the minds of that Party-Catholic and Protestants were considered as the foundation of German Christianity in its fullness and jurisdiction (the Party embraced both as one).
"MY LORD AND SAVIOR . . . IN THE BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN . . . HE HAD TO SHED HIS BLOOD UPON THE CROSS. My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them. This is God's truth! He was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice....
"And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.
"When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people is plundered and exploited."
[Note, "Brood of vipers" appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the moneychangers (adders) from the temple.] Adolf Hitler, in his speech on 12 April 1922.
"We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out." ?Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 October 1933.
Indeed, Hitler's speeches and proclamations, even more clearly, reveal his faith and feelings toward a Christianized Germany. Nazism presents an embarrassment to Christianity and demonstrates the danger of blending "faith with politics." Do you find it "spiritually disconcerting" to discover the depth of Hitler's hermeneutic? How about his exegesis of Matthew 3:7, 12:34 and John 2:15? Hitler's depiction of Jesus as the FIGHTER, not as the sufferer, is a distortion of the Scriptural intent of this reading; however, without knowing the full contextual nature of the Word, one could (as Hitler did) surmise a MILITANT JESUS is in view, and not a suffering Jesus.
It has been said, "The Bible can be read to say anything!" Examples abound: "Judas hung himself . . . go thou and do likewise!" This classic piece of cut and paste, though stupid, is precisely what many so-called expositors do with the Word of God-Hitler was no exception. But, the shedding of the blood of Jesus as the ultimate payment for "truth and justice and the German way" is frightening and turns true Christianity on its head! Note that Hitler claims to be a Christian and, as such, he has a duty to his own people-he too, like Jesus, must be a fighter for truth and justice-he must rid the Temple of the moneychangers, of the abominable Jews who harass his people, like Jesus did. The German people, according to Hitler, were being "plundered and exploited" and he would be NO CHRISTIAN if he didn't do something about it. Hitler's identification as a Christian was one of activism-not in name only! In this artful persuasion he under girded the German people in their predisposition to anti-Semitism, the full spiritual justification for their participation in the "Final Solution."
In sum: Hitler showed his disdain for atheism, and pagan cults, and revealed the strength of his Christian feelings-make no doubt about that. Likewise, his was no meaningless and superficial theology-it was clearly demarcated and set forth in all its hideous implications with righteous gusto.
"It will at any rate be my supreme task to see to it that in the newly awakened NSDAP, the adherents of both Confessions can live peacefully together side by side in order that they may take their stand in the common fight against the power, which is the mortal foe of any true Christianity."-Adolf Hitler, in an article headed "A New Beginning," 26 Feb. 1925
"This is for us a ground for satisfaction, since we desire that the fight in the religious camps should come to an end... all political action in the parties will be forbidden to priests for all time, happy because we know what is wanted by millions who long to see in the priest only the comforter of their souls and not the representative of their political convictions."-Adolf Hitler, in a speech to the men of the SA at Dortmund, 9 July 1933, on the day after the signing of the Concordat (Agreement with the Roman Catholic Church, the Papacy).
The unity of the Church is a recurrent message delivered by Hitler. His object, of course, was "against the power"-i.e., the international Jewish conspiracy against the Church, and, of course, the German people and the world in general. The technique of solidifying the churches into the "Hammer of God" was a strategy that appealed to the vast majority of German Christians. That he would see in them such an instrument of righteous indignation was commending-both to them as the object of his insight, and to himself for his discernment of such.
It is my firm conviction that this is precisely what is happening in America today. The appeal to the Christian religion in the battle "against evil" within the West is NOT an historic first! Don't be so quick to terminate this reading-let me explain. Who are those who most clearly understand the language of THE AXIS OF EVIL? Who are those who clearly grasp the "spiritual reality" behind Islamic terrorism? The current President is no fool in appealing to the most religious in leading his charge against the forces of evil that assail the current drama. The appeal to religious unity in the face of extremity is manifested in Islamic Jihad-Holy War. But, this appeal is far more sinister and powerful when placed in the hands of a "Christian President" about to inspire the faithful-far more potent is its impress. There is a righteous finality connected with it-a more sure word-an unseen and unmistaken cause behind this necessary action whose appeal is Ultimate and Conclusive. God, and God alone, is my judge-and you are "either for us or against us"-there is no compromise, there is no wavering between two opinions-LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT-OUR CAUSE IS JUST!
Doug is a member of the "Last Days Network" . . . a group of evangelical pundits providing news and analysis on Religion in Politics. "Applied Biblical prophecy," apostasy and deception, the impact of the New American World System, and the influences of the Religious Right and Left upon American culture, are topics discuss by the group. He is an educator/administrator based in Northern California. The remainder of this article and many others can be fully viewed/graphics/links, etec. @ un's millennium world peace summit in new york
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