Fight Terror, With Education

A War on Terrorism? Conventional war being brought on an unconventional enemy is ineffective out of date. Building these countries up to a certain level of stability, and allowing them to take over and govern themselves is part of the Presidents plan. If we think the need help getting to build a stable and profitable country in the world market, than let's say what we mean and just do it. Weapons of mass destruction if we had enough evidence to invade Iraq we should have hit those sights first and had those weapons in the first days. Oh, they must have hidden them, well how did we know about them in the first place. It has been more than two years since the bold and terrible attack on the World Trade Towers, and we are chasing shadows here and there. The American Military, the greatest fighting force on the planet, can only find a couple of the main targets. We cannot win a war like this. The US Navy, Marines, Air Force and Army are the best trained and most well equipped fighting force in the world. But for all of their advanced weaponry and the technological advantage they have; they still seem like a lumbering giant searching for the little Indian jumping from tree to tree. Just to use an analogy, I am not prejudice let's get that out of the way right now so I don't have to apologize to every race I may happen to mention. The subject of prejudice would take a whole paper of its own. So let's get back to the subject at hand. How can we stop Terror?

The suicide bombings keep coming. Why do these people hate or fear us so much? I believe that the root cause is a combination of jealousy and a lack of education. Most of our terrorist threats come from impoverished nations that are jealous of the standard of living in America. The lack of education comes into play because it is easy to manipulate uneducated minds. When the majority of citizens in a country cannot even read and the best way to spread news is by recorded messages you can fill people's minds with all manner of things. This lack of education contributes directly to their country's stagnant economy. They do not have sufficient numbers of the skilled people necessary to build and run factories, powerplants, water treatment, tourist industries, etc. Some of the things that we take for granted and yet that are so necessary to the economic success of this country. We fight to win a war indeed, but the military aspect is only the beginning.

To win this war we must take a look at our history and what made this country great. How did we become the nation we are today? This country's roots are founded in education, industry and innovation. Innovation brought industry and industry brought financial wealth providing for widespread education. The well-educated mind in turn spurs on industry with yet further innovation. To win this war we must teach those countries less fortunate than us, help them to develop systems that will lead them to the national prosperity that the US, Britain and most of the rest of Europe enjoy. We give billions a year away in foreign aid. Why not build some schools, hire some teachers, open some trade schools, teach them how to build a nation, and help them do it. Showing these nations the tools to build better governmental, educational and economic systems will enrich and add value and meaning to the lives of their people. It will then not be so easy for some "militant wacko" to persuade followers to give up their lives to kill the evil Americans. They will be able to better care for their families; dying in the name of Allah will no longer be the best way to assure their family will be cared for. If they have no way to read and study their religion for themselves then they must rely on the Spoken words of others. The power of religion to motivate is amazing, and a topic that could take it's own paper entirely. So again I will get back to the topic at hand. Stabilizing these countries, means to bring them into the world market, I believe that in the big picture this will be the most efficient way to fight terror. Show them the dream that has lit fire in the eyes of a nation for generations leading America to where it is today. Everyone is born with the potential to change the world.

This will not have the lightning fast results that our country demand after the catastrophic loss of life in the World Trade Towers. Nor will it have the shock and awe we all witnessed on TV to beginning with Iraq. This proposal will take time and resources. Time and resources we have already committed. Let the military continue rooting out the elements that will undermine a happy and peaceful society. The president has already told us that this will take years. So let us use these years. At the same time how long does it take to educate a child to change the next generation? I am not proposing a quick fix to these problems, but I we must begin now, with the knowledge and faith that our action now will mean that the 5 year old looking at our soldiers in confusion will not grow to become the man or woman that flying a plane into what will be the work places of our nations children.

Changing education and life on a global scale is a grand and hugely overwhelming proposition, bordering insanity but what marvelous insanity to know that you did something to change the world for the better. People dream of world peace, I know I do. Peace begins with mutual respect for all mankind. Toleration and love for all people together regard for race religion or appearance. All of these qualities are found in this country, the news concentrates on the bad because it sells, but by and large the majority in this nation live in harmony. I envision a world where all nations have equal standing and the betterment of the global quality of life becomes the driving force of every nation. Think of the potential for innovation in medicine, technology, space travel, food production, and use of natural resources we have not even discovered. When we increase the population of educated minds in the world we unlock the potential for genius.

About The Author

I am employed as a line cook at a resort and am studying to become a paralegal on my way to becoming a lawyer. I believe strongly in what I have written and will be writting more.

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