Enlightenment Experiments

Pierre Dupont de Nemours:

After arranging the Armistice that ended or settled outstanding issues after the Revolutionary War Pierre Dupont de Nemours came to join the Royals including the Hapsburgs who were living near Jefferson and other esoteric Merovingians in and around Delaware. He and his family became important armaments manufacturers and it is reasonable to remember what Eisenhower said in his Military-Industrial Complex speech. Pierre Dupont de Nemours and the Physiocrats are not really interested in 'the government which governs best governs least'. You must try to study the Physiocrats if you are to make sense of the current world economy.

They are playing both sides of the fence and they are in a position to get all that governemnt can give them through the spoils system or cronyism.It is also important to know the 'spoils' system in government that became the norm under Andrew Jackson was already well underway at the time of the Louisiana Purchase. The level of graft or intrigue may never be fully exposed but Ben Franklin and King George had a pleasant conversation around the same time and some suggest King George was a financier of both sides as is the wont of the upper echelon as we find huge profits are often assured in wars and enforcing the collection of debts that ensue. Here is a most interesting aspect of the issue of the Louisiana Purchase which is central to the expansionism of the Enlightenment Experiment which is called the United States. Remember also the occult symbology in the US symbolism that includes a declaration of a New World Order (Novus Seclorum Ordre) on the dollar bill and the Third Eye on the Pyramid.

"Personal representatives of the President were given various titles when charged with specific missions. President Washington had preferred "commissioner." Later, the title of Special Diplomatic Agent was used. For example, in 1802, Samuel Pierre Dupont De Nemours was sent to Paris "to impress on the Government of France the impending dangers should France keep Louisiana." Such appointments, however, were always for a single, if sometimes prolonged, mission and purpose.

Though not salaried, the positions of consul and vice consul were especially susceptible to political favoritism. Consular officers were expected to live by the fees collected for the many documents essential for the conduct of trade and which they prepared. Congress first set out the schedule of services to be provided and the fees to be charged in 1792. Consuls and Vice Consuls could receive protests and declarations and give copies of documents duly authenticated, they could settle the estates of Americans who died within their consular district if the local laws allowed, they were expected to exercise jurisdiction over U.S. flag vessels that might become stranded in their district and over the cargos saved from these vessels, served as depositories for ships' papers and offered relief to shipwrecked seamen. With the appointment thus having no impact on the Federal budget, members of Congress appeared to have little reason to oppose other members' candidates or to restrain support for candidates of their own." (6)


This is a 'fella' who arranged for all the Masonic leaders of Europe to send troops to help the American War for Independence. He worked with Beaumarchais who was a known French monarchist spy (he also wrote the Barber of Seville and other books made into operas) and arms supplier.

I suggest the arms supplier really was Pierre Dupont de Nemours who finalized the armistice between Britain and the US and then came to America and founded the armaments industries referred to in Eisenhower's speech. Would it be terribly impious of me to say that these Royals or Masons who were conducting all this business and getting rich from the plans they made were not really interested in Enlightenment. But rather they true interest is in A Lightenment of the average person's share of the future and all the rewards?

"1737-89, political leader and diplomat in the American Revolution, b. Groton, Conn. A lawyer and merchant at Wethersfield, Conn., he was elected (1772) to the state assembly and became a leader in the revolutionary cause. He was (1774-76) a delegate to the Continental Congress, which sent (1776) him as diplomatic agent to France. There Deane worked with Pierre de Beaumarchais in securing commercial and military aid for the colonies, obtaining supplies that were of material help in the Saratoga campaign (1777). He recruited a number of foreign officers, such as the marquis de Lafayette, Casimir Pulaski, Baron von Steuben, and Johann De Kalb. Late in 1776, Congress sent Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee to join Deane. Together they arranged (1778) a commercial and military alliance with France. Deane, however, was soon recalled by Congress and was faced with accusations of profiteering made against him by Lee. Embittered, unable to clear himself, and accused as a traitor after publication of some pessimistic private letters, Deane lived the rest of his life in exile. In 1842 Congress voted $37,000 to his heirs as restitution and characterized Lee's audit of Deane's accounts 'a gross injustice.'

Bibliography: See C. Isham, ed., The Deane Papers, 1774-1790 (5 vol., 1887-91); biography by G. L. Clark (1913)." (7)

Author of Diverse Druids Guest 'expert' for World-Mysteries.com Columnist at The ES Press Magazine

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