A Deal Made With Ireland


It is interesting to observe that the dominant cleric of the Catholic Church at this Synod was Columcille who we know as St. Columba. He was trained (like many) at the Isle of Druids or Iona. His legend includes many witnesses of him affecting the wind and the rain in a battle with a proscribed Druid of the hinterlands of Scotland. At this Synod he seems indeed to be acting as the high or 'arch' Druid when he saves 1200 Bards or Bairds from further deprecation of their status. Peter Berresford Ellis in his book The Druids recounts some of the possible connections which suggest many Druids trained the Romans in order to save Ireland from invasion or as part of some political bargain. I have developed this in other books. He does not come right out and say it as well as Ovason does in The Secrets of Nostradamus.

The Bardic verbal tradition is kin to the Qabala, Tao and shamanic systems throughout the world. Scientific American and National Geographic know North America (Jan/Feb 2001 issues) was visited from 30,000 years ago by Europeans. The degree of world trade has not been addressed in any major academic institution I know about, although Prof. Cyclone Covey at Wake Forest and Steve Omar in Hawaii join Fell, Kelley and others in addressing what we will cover to some extent, again. Ovason says the following on page 383 of his book that explodes all the previous poor scholarship dealing with Nostradamus.

"There is even some indication that the mystery schools of Imperial Rome had ordained that Ireland should remain untouched as an un-Romanized periphery on the edge of the map of the Imperium. It was intended by the initiation schools {who go back to a re-organization by Tuthmosis in Egypt and before.} that this map would correspond to the future Christian world. It had been part of the destiny of Rome to establish the ground for the development of the spiritual mysteries of the future ? which was to be the new initiation schools of Christianity. {Thus St. Columba said 'Christ is the new Druid'.} Although the Roman soldiery did reach Ireland, they did not take over its cultural life, nor destroy its Druidic priestcraft, in the way they seemed to have destroyed it in England, Scotland and (to a lesser extent) Wales. Thus, something of the great pre-Christian mystery wisdom survived in Ireland, and it was for this reason that it continued as the main esoteric centre of European cultural life. This is why Ireland became a refuge for esoteric Christianity {Through languages like Uncial they created many Bible myths or dogma and the language Insular they developed grew into English.} ? for what we might even term pre-Roman Christianity. What we now tend to see romantically, through the eyes of later poets, as the twilight of the Celts was really the dawn of esoteric Christianity, which has yet to speak in the future of Europe. {Hitler tried to bring this forward in a perverse manner as he called himself 'the torch-bearer of Jesus'. The Dauphin tried to do the same with Merlin's prophecy of the maid of Lorraine.} The ancient Druidic wisdom which had served the soul-life of the North, had already begun to give way to, or integrate with, the Christian Mysteries ? to those mysteries which we would probably now call Celtic Christianity."

And the Rosicrucians of the Masonic Lodges have maintained much of the ritual and knowledge even if most of them are not able to decode the rituals, symbols and words they speak. It may surprise some people to see German historian C. Besoldus (1577-1638) claiming that the name Huns came from a Celtic word meaning 'Great Magicians'. Surely this is what the Druids and 'smiths' were able to do. They were even able to create spiritual visions of such force that whole armies would shudder and quake, then run from the field of battle. This book is much more than a statement on the nature of propaganda and yet it can only begin to cover all our human potential might have allowed or might yet allow.

Author of Diverse Druids, COlumnist or guest writer at world-mysteries.com, The ES Press Magazine, Spirit Quest, and others.

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