Wars, Air of Ambiguity [for: Lt. Laura Walker] in SPANISH and English

Wars, air of Ambiguity

Dedicated to 1st. Lt. Laura Walker
(From an old soldier/Vietnam Veteran)

[Advance] We fight in foreign lands not because we necessarily love its culture or land, but because we believe in pragmatism (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness); simply as it may be, it can be costly.

The Poem:

We all lose something in war
And sometimes gain something:
Idealism, physical, cynical
(no blood in the face),
Psychological, innocence-;
We're all victims of violence
For sure? (accepted or not).

A character in a book dies in
The clap of an eye-,
In real life, it is not so simple,
No dreamy solution.
It is the duty of the soldier to kill
(Or accept being killed);
Just when, is when it becomes
Disillusionment creeps in?,
As does an air of the unknown.
In war there are only epigraphs;
Death, to a part of the human race
Is really what takes place?
It starts as it ends, with
The human effort exhausted.

There is nothing more admirable
More brave, more flawless,
Than one who gives their existence
For another's-especially in
A foreign land! for pragmatism?

In Spanish Translated by Nancy Penaloza

Guerras, aire de ambig?edad

Dedicado a la 1r. Teniente Laura Walter (De un Viejo soldado/ veterano del Vietnam)

Por Dennis siluk

(Avance) Que luchamos en tierras extranjeras no porque necesariamente nos gusta su cultura o tierra, pero porque nosotros creemos en el pragmatismo (la vida, la libertad y la b?squeda de felicidad); simplemente como esto, puede ser, puede ser costoso.

El Poema

Perdemos algo con la guerra Y a veces ganamos algo: Idealismo, f?sico, c?nico, (Sin sangre en la cara), Psicol?gico, inocente-: Todos nosotros somos victimas de la violencia Pero seguro? (Aceptado o no).

Un car?cter en un libro muere en un abrir Y cerrar de un ojo. En la vida real, esto no es tan simple, Ninguna soluci?n, so?adora. Esto es el deber del soldado para matar (O aceptar ser matado): Solamente ?cu?ndo, es cuando se hace Complicado?

La desilusi?n entra sin ser sentido Como un aire de desconocimiento. Con la guerra solo hay ep?grafes: Muerte, para una parte de la raza humana ?Esto es realmente lo que ocurre? Esto comienza como termina, con el Esfuerzo humano agotado

Nada hay m?s admirable M?s valiente, m?s impecable, Que uno quien da su existencia Por otros, especialmente en ?Una tierra forgion ! por pragmatismo

Note by Rosa: I don't know much of war, my husband was in one that is all I really know, but in my heart they are the brave, who are willing to give to strangers, freedom, at the price of their own lives. And I think Mr. Siluk sums it up quite well in this dedication poem.

A Poet, Dennis Siluk if you wish to see his website please select another article, poem or short story of his, it will be on those...

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