Three Poems (While in Transition/English and Spanish)

Here are three more poems by the author, Dennis Siluk, while traveling througout Central and South America.

Three Poems
While in Transition
(In Spanish and English)

Poem One

English Version

Orange Timid Moon

O?er the Copan sky

an arch of shadows
weave their webs

with low-lights,
as the moon rises...

orange and timid-
as one more night

passes by...
by the shadows

of the Maya gods
de antigua Copan!...

Note: written while at the Copan Ruines, in Honduras, April, 2005.

Versi?n en Espa?ol

Luna T?mida Anaranjada
Por Dennis Siluk
Traducido por Rosa Pe?aloza

Sobre el cielo de Copan

un arco de sombras teje sus telas

con bajas-luces,
como la luna se levanta...

anaranjada y t?mida ?
como una noche

m?s que pasa ...
por las sombras

de los Maya dioses
de antigua Copan!...

Nota: escrito mientras estaba en las Ruinas de Copan, en Honduras, Abril de 2005.

Poem Two

Cyclye of the Buterfly

First they were an egg
Then a worm without legs
Then a Butterfly;

Then the new cycle begins
We?re back to the egg again.

But who was first?
The Butterfly or the Worm?
As all things are, it seems...
It was the rib of the butterfly,
Like Adam and Eve.

Note: written while at the Butterfly Conservatory, in Copan, Honduras, 4-24-2005.

Poem Three

The Simple Things

I was trying to think of great things to write
But I can only come up with simple things,
-perhaps, that is where it is at?

(that being:)

The humming of the plane
An attendent?s voice saying:
"Can I help?"

What greater gift has God given, than
The flow of little, simple things...(?)

How often do we meet kings?
Fly around the world?
Win the lottery?

It is the simple things you see!
That keep us wise and healthy-;
Busy, and free from mischief!

And so I shall close my eyes
And listen to the movie on the screen
While waiting in this flying machine...

(flying from Panama to Lima)

...sitting in this damn plane
Waiting to get home to do little things!...

Note: While flying from Panama to Lima, Peru, the author wrote this poem, waiting to get home to his casa in Lima, 4-26-05.

Poet and Author Dennis Siluk, is presently in Lima, Peru finishing some poetry he has written while in the Andes, and Honduras, and Peru in General. Waiting to go to Colombia.

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