What You Can Learn About Life From Your Children

You can learn a lot from children.The best part of all is the advice is priceless.

Walls looked so much better when they are decorated with artwork. Markers and crayons work best.

The living room is so much better for running around and making noise than your own bedroom. A couch is the best trampoline.

Money may not grow on trees, but it sure is always in your parents' pockets.

Real life, including your love life begins in kindergarten.

Parents are confusing. They tell you not to speak to strangers, then when you meet a stranger, they tell you to say hello.

Saying, "You look like Patrick from SpongeBob Squarepants is really a compliment.

No matter how many times you watch the same TV show, listen to the same song, read the same book, watch the same tape or dvd, you can never really get tired of it.

You can never have too many Thomas the Tank Engine trains or Hotwheels cars.

Even though you have your own bed, you just have to sleep in your parents' bed.

Mommy knows where all your toys are.

I don't know what boundaries are, but if you teach me, I'll respect your boundaries, if you respect mine.

There is always something important to tell your parents when they're on the telephone or talking to someone else.

If parents laugh when we say bad words, we'll just keep saying them.

You can never be sleepy or tired.

Although you are too full for any more dinner, you always have room for dessert.

Kids have selective hearing, we may hear you say, "Who wants ice cream?", but we can't hear when you say, "Turn the television off."

Everyone over the age of 10 is old, so there is a possibility that your parents did know Abraham Lincoln.

I may not know time, but I know when all my favorite tv shows are on.

My friendships can be broken and mended without parental involvement.

Sometimes, parents have more fun then the kids at parties, amusement parks and other events.

Know how to push your parents' buttons.

Five servings a day can consist of pizza, ice cream, french fries, fruit juice (or soda) and cookies.

Clothing should be optional.

Never tell me anything you don't want me to repeat in public.

Parents need to be better listeners too!

Parents make a big deal of little things.

You can never have too much candy.

It's ok to eat the same thing for lunch for a year.

A nickel is worth more than a dime because it's bigger.

A messy room has character.

There is a McDonald's restaurant wherever you go.

Why do you need to know how to tie your laces, when there are velcro straps on your shoes?

The best part of birthday parties are the party favors.

It's much easier to wake up early on weekends, then weekdays.

Scarves, gloves, hats, and sometimes jackets will get lost at school.

Fish are friends, but they die too soon.

The telephone is our enemy.

Five minutes is a long time to wait.

Brushing your teeth should not take longer than 30 seconds.

The response to "How was your day?" will almost always be "Good."

Why should bread have crust?

You don't need to use the bathroom until you're out of the house or in the car.

Keys, credit cards, and cell phones like to play hide and seek.

Green colored food is yucky.

Last, but not least, you can never get too many hugs or kisses throughout the day.

About The Author

Marie Magdala Roker is an Academic and Personal Development Coach and Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor who works with moms, teens, and college students and helps them empower themselves to get from where they are to where they want to be in life.


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