The Scientific Breakthrough That Allows Every Couple To Choose The Gender Of Their Baby

The advances in science over the past century have been breath-taking. We've seen man stroll casually on the moon, watched in awe as scientists cloned and brought a sheep to life using nothing more than a few strands of microscopic DNA and we witnessed some stunning improvements in the fields of medicine and care ? for example, Viagra to some has been the discovery of a lifetime.

Now, it seems, the latest scientifically backed research actually allows a couple to safely and naturally choose the gender of their baby with up to 98% accuracy. The implications of this research are huge and most couples whether they admit it or not would probably prefer one gender of child over the other. This is not at all a bad thing and there are several reasons for this. Perhaps a family with 3 little boys would like to "complete" their family with a lovely baby girl. Until now it has always been wishful thinking and fate has been the ultimate decider ? but today, every couple who wish to can choose the gender of their child with a 98% chance of getting the gender of child they would like ? and the best thing is that it is completely safe, natural and free. So what are these factors?

Firstly, the diet of the female in particular during and around conception plays a big role in determining the gender of your child. This is because what foodstuffs the woman eats at this time has a big impact on her tract (vagina, ovaries, cervix and fallopian tube) which in turn goes a long way in determining whether she will give birth to a baby boy or girl. There is a comprehensive list of foods that should be consumed and avoid if you want a baby girl, and another list if you wish to conceive a boy.

Another determining factor is the role of sex between the couple. It may seem unlikely, but both penis size and the sexual position during conception will both have a huge impact on whether your baby will be a boy or girl. This is to do with the resilience of the male and female sperms and how deeply they are deposited within the tract. Some sexual positions facilitate deeper penetration than others which explains the role of intercourse in gender selection. The timing of sex is also crucial in determining the gender of your child ? in relation to ovulation. Also important is the female orgasm ? whether the woman orgasms or not during conception has a significant say towards deciding the gender of the baby. This is because during orgasm certain chemicals are released into the woman's tract which induce the right conditions for one particular gender of child to be created over the other. Even male and female masturbation plays a role in determining the baby's gender.

Finally, there are also a number of random factors that can be altered to help create one gender of child over the other ? for example certain activities the man does in the hours prior to having intercourse can actually almost eliminate the couples chances of having a baby boy.

I really hope you have found this article useful. The most amazing thing about it all is that the decision of having a baby girl or boy is actually largely in our own hands. Almost all the determining factors are things that we can choose to change, in order to favour having one gender of child over the other ? to a 98% success rate. If you would like to find out much more including a tip sheet on exactly what you can do to conceive either a baby boy or girl then the below site will show you how:

I wish you every success!
G. Eboks

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