Parental Internet Control Tips

The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Parental Internet Control will protect our loved ones from internet filth like pornography and hate material just a click away. The fact that every stranger in the world has access to your child, right in your own home is scary enough. exercising some kind of Internet Control will protect the people you love from the tens of thousands of troubling sites on the Internet.

Although nothing can replace a well-informed parent that takes an active part in their children's online activities, Internet Filtering Software provides a strong, additional layer of defense which gives parents an added measure of control and further peace of mind.

With a lot of Internet filtering software choices available, researching and choosing the Internet filter that's right for your family can be complex and time-consuming, and that's where we can help.

What makes a great Internet filter software solution?

Though the perfect Internet Filter does not exist in today's marketplace, there are a number of great solutions depending on what the family needs are. Here is a list of attributes of good filtering software.

Easy to Use ? How easy it to install the product?, Is it easily set up, and easy to use? Is it easy to find the functions you are looking for? Is it easy to customize the filter settings?

Effective at filtering?Does the web filtering software strike a good balance between filtering objectionable material and non object ional - not filter too much? The ability to customize sensitivity of filtering by each individual family member is important as well.

Activity reports ?Parents should be able to see what their individual family member has been doing on the computer. This would include viewing where they have been on the Internet, what has been going on in chat rooms, and activity based on other functions within the Internet filtering application.

Foreign language filtering ?One of the tricks that teenagers have found to bypass Internet filters is to type in the foreign language equivalent of certain keywords. By typing in the French, Spanish, or German versions of the word "sex" or "girl" for example, you can easily bypass many filters to view objectionable content.

Individual profiles ?Can you create a profile for each family member with different filtering rules?

Notification capabilities ?Can you be notified at work or at home that un-authorized access or blocking is occurring?

Negligible response times ?Does the Internet filter allow you to access the Internet without noticeable slowdown?

Remote management ?Can you change settings, change rules, and change profiles from work or while on vacation without the installed software? The correct use of Internet filters in harmony with parental controls can make the Internet a safe and wonderful experience for the family.

Go to for more articles with side-by-side comparisons and comprehensive reviews on Internet Filtering Software that will help you make a fast, informed decisions.

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