Encourage Your Children Potential By Your Modeling

All responsible parents would want to support their children, find ways to encourage their potential, help them be more, discover their hidden gifts and help them reach for the stars.

There are a lot of things that parents need to do in order to achieve the above things and we all know that the parenting journey will not be a breeze. However whatever is worth doing, it is worth doing well, especially they are for the benefits of our children, isn't it?

However, I notice one common thing among many parents, that is:

While every parents will do their best possible to encourage and to help their children in reaching their potential, only a handful of parents are working on themselves.

If parents want to maximize their children potential, parents must work on themselves by learning and becoming a better parent, a better communicators and a better motivator.

How parents spend their time have a very strong influence to what their children become:

"Parents who watch TV only occasionally and have a active life will have a better chance of raising children who will only watch TV occasionally and not becoming couch potatoes."

"Parents who enjoy reading, reading a lot, bringing the children regularly to the library and encourage their children to read will have a better chance of raising children who read more and enjoy reading than parents who merely tell their children to read and don't model the behavior."

"Parents who eat healthily, have fruits and vegetable always in their diet and eat slowly are more likely to nurture children to grow into adults with similar behaviors than those same parents who do not exhibit that behavior and instead constantly lecture, nag and bribe their children to act in those ways."

"Parents who are optimistic, have positive attitude, use more positive words in their daily life are helping their children to be optimistic and positive. They are far more like to raise positive children than parents who don't necessarily model these attitudes but constantly tell their children, "Just do your best, things don't always turn out well," or "Life is always unfair and stinks," or "Be aware of others, there are too many people who just want to take advantage of you."

Although it may be not always the case, children have a tendency to develop characteristics and habits similar to those of their patients. Here are four important things that I thought it will be good for me to highlight:

1. If you wish your children to behave in certain way, it's a good idea to be that way yourself.

2. Action speak louder than words.

3. Your own personal development is a critical aspect of your children's personal development.

4. Children often don't do as they're told but they will do what their parents do.

So what are you modeling for your children? Take a moment now and think about who you are and what you do with your time (i.e. every hours, days, weeks, years and your life). How do your children see you? In what ways are you a positive model for them? What attitudes or behavior do you posses that you'd rather they not model on? Think about it. Take your time to think through the questions, don't rush. These are questions that worth to spend your time on.

Becoming more aware of yourself of who you are, how you behave, what're your life values and how you live your life is a critical step in your own self-improvement. Your development is a critical or perhaps the most critical factor in encouraging your children's potential.

Article by Alvin Poh, founder of The Parenting Network For The Achievement of Human Potential. To learn how you help your children to develop and excel in their natural potential, go to: http://www.alvinkh.per.sg/parentingnetwork

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