Delightful Defrazzlers

I will cherish this moment. I will not let it slip away like sand between my fingers.

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come, but I have this moment today!


With the crazy kinds of schedules that moms need to cope with today It's more important than ever to learn how to grab hold of moments to refresh, strengthen and nourish our souls and bodies. If you asked most mothers what their biggest frustration is, I think you'd find that one of them is a lack of time to look after their own needs so that they can be more effective at their mothering.

The key for me has been the ability to find small moments ? like five minutes - and then use them well. The trick is being prepared! Here are some ideas to get you started.

"Mini Car-Spa"- In the glove compartment of your car put a CD of relaxing music, a facial mister (or make your own with distilled water and a few drops of tangerine essential oil) and a stress ball. When you end up waiting in the car, put on the CD, spritz your face with the mister, and then breathe deeply

"Waiting Room Manicure" in a small bag in your purse, put a good nail file and some really luxurious hand and nail cream ? not cheap stuff, really good stuff. While you're waiting, file your nails and then take time to massage the cream well into your hands and nails.

"Humour for the Arsenic Hour" - The "arsenic hour" is that time at the end of the day just before supper when everyone's grumpy and tired. Here's a good way to cope. Somewhere handy in your kitchen keep a book that makes you laugh ? like Erma Bombeck. Then, in that "useless five minutes" while you're waiting for dinner to finish cooking, get a cup of really good tea/coffee, and sit for a minute and read a few bits of humour. The laughter will ease the tension of a long day, and put you in a good frame of mind for dinner with the family.

"Insomnia kit" - get a nice lavender scented candle (real essential oil is better than an artificially scented one), a CD of Bach's "Goldberg Variations" (written for an insomniac King!) and a book like "Chicken Soup" with short, inspirational stories and put them into a little basket by a comfy chair somewhere outside of your bedroom. When you can't sleep turn on the music, light the candle, and breathe deeply. Then curl up and read the book until you're sleepy. Just make sure you don't fall asleep before putting out the candle!

There are lots of other ways you can utilize frustrating moments to re-charge your batteries. Just use your more lucid moments to think about what you'd rather be doing, and get it ready for the next time! I'd love to hear any ideas you have ? just send me a quick e-mail at

Darlene Hull,


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Darlene Hull is a local, ordinary, imperfect mom who sees her mission as helping moms look after themselves so that they can better look after their families. Darlene is married to Tom and has two children ? Simon (12) and Christina (10.5) whom she home schools. You can find out more about her on her website at and even download a free "Mom-Defrazzler" while you're there.

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